The Two Helens

The big band leaders of the 30’s and 40’s referred to them as canaries and saw them as a necessary distraction from what they enjoyed most: elaborate instrumental arrangements. They knew that only their male fans would be left, and perhaps not even them, if they completely abandoned female vocalists like The Two Helens: Forest and Ward.

Lower My Standards?? With Pleasure!

In Podcast #27, we will explore the questions: Are my standards too high, too exacting for me to be truly happy? Why do I sometimes feel like I should get a “job” or do some kind of “work”? Does thinking about maybe getting a job make me better than other people? Am I worried that if I quit borrowing money from my friends, they’ll think I’m stuck-up?

Professional Ambition

Which of the following would you consider it advisable to do?

1. Hire Jerry Seinfeld as your life coach…

2. Buy a new automobile from Jerry Lundegaard…

3. Debate Carl Showalter (Steve Buscemi) as to the meaning of the concept of Force Majeure.

Find out on this week’s episode of “The Voice of the Arts”!



You just might want to listen to Podcast #22 if you answer YES to the following questions:

Are you so tired of superheroes that even a hero sandwich gives you pause?

Are you a man who can readily observe unique qualities in your spouse such as the ability to save you from a school of man-eating rainbow trout?

Are you a baby boomer who has experienced the heartache of being unable to find a human being anywhere on a customer hotline?

These, and more, explored in this week’s episode of “The Voice of the Arts”!