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First Confession – Episode 3

On this episode of “The Voice of the Arts,” host Joe Weber offers listeners a reading of Frank O’Connor’s short story “First Confession.” Originally published in 1950, this story uses humor and playfulness to tell the story of a young boy’s fears over going to give his first ever confession at Church. Along with this story, we have a couple other surprises in store this week. We hope you enjoy!

Everything That Rises Must Converge – Episode 2

The second episode of “The Voice of the Arts” features a reading of Flannery O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge.” Originally published in 1961, it won the O’Henry award in 1963. Please enjoy!

The Babes in the Wood – Episode 1

The first episode of The Voice of the Arts is a reading of Frank O’Connor’s “The Babes in the Wood,” originally published in The New Yorker in 1947 and later included in his short story collection “The Common Chord.”
