Monthly Archives: June 2022

Everything Rises Again

Flannery O’Connor was one of the greatest Southern writers, and one who truly understood the people and nuances of the South. In our second ever episode, we featured one of her classic short stories, “Everything that Rises Must Converge.” Published near the end of her life, it deals with a changing South as seen through the lens of recent college graduate Julian and his old-fashioned mother. This week, we feature the story once again in a return to that early episode.

First Confession’s Second Coming

This week we revisit another of our very first episodes, featuring a wonderful 1950 short story by Irish writer Frank O’Connor entitled “First Confession.” The story explores a seven-year-old boy’s anxieties over having to give his first ever confession at church. It is a show favorite which sharply exhibits O’Connor’s wit and shows real sympathy for his young protagonist.